At the event, nurse Lisa Bowman, from Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center, presented a Fact's First program. This program, "Emergencies Happen," educated those about safety when it came to taking a trip to the emergency room, and also safety precautions those with bleeding disorders should take on vacations or day trips. The presentation was outstanding, and each person in attendance definitely took away something they did not know before. Thank you Lisa for your time and informative talk!
World Hemophilia Day only comes around once a year; however, we cannot let that be an excuse for us to stop raising awareness. As advocates for this disease, we must continually educate those in our community about bleeding disorders. Many are unaware of what bleeding disorders even are, including some of the doctors you may see in the ER. We will continue to fight to help those in the bleeding disorder community and we will find a cure, but we ask for your help to do so.